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Program #71- Part 2 Conversation with Michael John Carley- Author of Unemployed and On the Spectrum: How to Cope Productively with the Effects of Unemployment and Jobhunt with Confidence

Listen to our conversation with Mr. Michael John Carley.  Mr. Carley explains the many obstacles that people on the Autism Spectrum have to deal with when trying to find a job.  Distinctively unique and frank, Mr. Carley also writes a column for the Huffington Post (“Autism without Fear”) and is the author of the books Asperger’s From the Inside Out and Unemployed and On the Spectrum.

To learn more about Mrs. Carley please visit:

About the author

Rebeca | Lifestyle Improvement Radio

Rebeca is the host of Lifestyle Improvement Radio on KKOL 1300 AM. The show airs live every Sunday from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM.

As a self-care professional and full-time caregiver, Rebeca knows how alone it can feel. That is why she created a radio program just for you:
a parent, a son, a daughter, a spouse, or even a professional in the role of care-giving.