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Program #38 Part 2 – Conversation with Dr. Suzanne De La Monte, M.D., Who Coined the Term “Type 3 Diabetes” as Alzheimer’s Disease.

Listen to, Dr. Suzanna de la Monte, M.D., M.P.H., as she presents her evidenced based argument for why Alzheimer’s disease could be considered “Type 3” Diabetes. She also suggests changes to your diet that may help improve your brain health. Dr. de la Monte is an Associate Professor of Pathology and Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology-Liver Research Center at Brown University in Rhode Island.

About the author

Rebeca | Lifestyle Improvement Radio

Rebeca is the host of Lifestyle Improvement Radio on KKOL 1300 AM. The show airs live every Sunday from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM.

As a self-care professional and full-time caregiver, Rebeca knows how alone it can feel. That is why she created a radio program just for you:
a parent, a son, a daughter, a spouse, or even a professional in the role of care-giving.